RockHounds: The Movie is a feature length documentary film that explores the hobby of rock collecting and rockhounding. The film is comprised of four main segments: the World Championship Quartz Crystal Dig, the Rose Rocks of Oklahoma, Fossil Hunting with Dinosaur George and the Rock Food Table at the Houston Gem & Mineral Show. Each segment included a Lab Segment hosted by Devin Dennie that included additional educational information.
Main Segments[]
- At the World Championship Quartz Crystal Dig in Mount Ida, Arkansas diggers from across the country compete to see who can dig up the most impressive quartz crystal specimens.
- At the Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country, Dinosaur George Blasing leads a group of kids on a field trip to dig up invertebrate fossils.
- University of Oklahoma professors Neil Suneson and David London take a group of college students to Noble, OK to dig up some barite rose rocks. Plus, a visit to the Timberlake Rose Rock Museum.
- At the Houston Gem & Mineral Show, the Rock Food Table delights visitors with a meal's worth of rocks and minerals.
- Dale Almond
- Dinosaur George Blasing
- Karen Burns
- Everett Deschner
- John Fischner
- Adam Graves
- David London
- Bill and Lois Pattillo
- Charles Redding
- Delores Schakel
- Stuart Schmitt
- Scott Singleton
- Sonny Stanley
- Joe Stine
- Neil Suneson
- Julian Turner
- Maureen Walther
Film Festival Screenings[]
- SCINEMA - Festival of Science Film - 2005
- Roshd International Film Festival - 2005
Other Significant Screenings[]
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Johannesburg - South Africa
- Tucson Gem & Mineral Show
- World Championship Quartz Crystal Dig
Museum Collaboration[]
- Selected Clips from RockHounds: The Movie played as a part of the "OK Rocks!" Exhibit at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History
Awards & Honors[]
- Excellence in Education Award from the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
In the Media[]
- Geology student to show science film in Australia via The Oklahoman August 2005
Media Links[]
- The Making of "RockHounds: The Movie" on YouTube
- "RockHounds: The Movie" Trailer on YouTube
Media Release[]
- RockHounds: The Movie was released on DVD on April 6, 2010